Andreas Depauw, selected projects & drafts



HART NR 230. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


Third edition of Open Studio’s Leuven in 2020. In cooperation with Cas-co (Josine de Roover), Batiment-A and BAC ART LAB KU Leuven. These three places opened their doors on the 12 & 14th March 2020. At Open Studio’s Leuven, artists and creators presented their showcases, performances, screenings and work in progress on how they give shape to the artistic DNA of the city. (Because of Covid this event couldn’t go through).


The 6th city poem of Maarten Inghels became a public inquiry on copy paper. The 35 questions were drafted in verses in which the reader could formulate a response to send back to the poet.


HART NR 227. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


A series of postcards for the readings and expositions for NICC. Each postcard consists of more or less the same layout, but each time with a different gradient/abstract image used as background. In cooperation with Steven Holsbeeks.


GLEAN is a Brussels-based magazine for contemporary art, published four times a year in English and six times in Dutch. In the summer of 2023, the magazine changed its name. HART magazine, founded by Marc Ruyters in 2006, became GLEAN. in collaboration with Philip Marnef and Steven Holsbeeks.


’10 Stories of a Journey’ is a documentary, a reflection and an elaboration on the visual practices of five artists selected for the first edition of STRT Kit, an international development platform for young visual artists. The book reflects the dynamic that occurred during this year, the encounters, experiences, memories and influences that contributed to the artists’ evolution. In cooperation with Steven Holsbeeks.


Rotterdam Ripresa adopts an alternative method towards the production of new visions for the city. An urbanism of fragmentary intervention as a cadavre exquis where authorship is deluded rather than distilled. A collection of Future Fragments for the Neoliberal City completing found ensembles that never were, but always could have been.


The walking exhibition Outdoor Hiking with Sound & other Fireworks guides you through three adjacent parks in Antwerp; Den Brandt, Middelheim and Vogelenzang. There’s nothing to see. More than 30 artists are invited to create an experimental audio work that may or may not react to the relationship between artistic creation and nature, sound and historical environment. (


The first Urban Debate about the pont Marchant brug in Brussels Anderlecht.
Since the Marchant bridge was closed for motorized traffic in 2014, the neighborhood has appropriated this connection between old and new Anderlecht. People eat, talk and play chess on picnic tables, parents pass by at ease with their cycling children. BRUZZ and BX1 organized a debate on the bridge with local residents, action committees and entrepreneurs. They were remarkably unanimous. "The car must not return."


A series of five optical illusions on a sheet of stamps for B-post. In cooperation with Indianen.


Evil Eye is the result of a residency in the Frans Masereel Centrum in Kasterlee. During this residency we printed optical audio-records. We created visual patterns and screen printed them on heavy paper. Afterwards we handed them out in bars and at the local market in Kasterlee. On the last day of our residency at the Frans Masereel Centrum, we did a short performance in which locals were invited to play the records we created on our self made optical record players. In cooperation with Indianen.


Identity guide for AAIR (Antwerp Artists in Residence). A merge of Studio Start and AIR Antwerpen in which the logo has been included as an extra glyph within the text. In cooperation with Tim Knapen. Further communication was designed by Steven Holsbeeks at AAIR.


HART Supplement, 3 Nov. 2022, Luxembourg Art Week & Finis Terrae. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


HART NR 234. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


A series of date stamps for Maarten Inghels.


MORPHO gives time, space and support to artists. MORPHO has a dual function as an artist residency and a studios provider, with the aim of fostering a dynamic and sustainable context for artistic work. We manage studios for over 250 artists in the city and run a residency for Belgian-based and international artists with whom we build relationships and trajectories. ( In cooperation with Bureau Marnef & Steven Holsbeeks.


A toolbox for Frans Masereel Centrum to help them present their precious books and posters.


The first weekend of September NICC and Studio Start presented ‘OPEN STUDIO’s 2018, Antwerpen, made by artists’. This was the fourth edition of the professional studio route, which brings into attention the presence of visual artists and creative entrepreneurs in the city. In cooperation with Steven Holsbeeks.


This poem of Maarten Inghels, his second as city poet, got published in UNCOVERED, a paper for homeless people.


HART NR 232. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


Post Perspective is a book that still has to be finished. The book contains ideas and references of Marius Grootveld. It is sort of a closure of the series of lectures he gave a few years ago.


The signage for Frans Masereel Centrum in Kasterlee became an analog screen of words on a fixed spot like a type case. At first sight these elements seem as if they are in an unreadable order, but when they are lit separately, the information becomes readable. In cooperation with Tim Knapen.


A catalog for the exposition MAATWERK MASSARBEIT. Architektur aus Flandern und den Niederlanden (8th October 2016- 12th February 2017). The exhibition showed a selection of approximately sixty architectural models. It placed the emphasis on tailored work, precision and craftsmanship as undercurrents in Flemish and Dutch architecture of the past thirty years.


Neon installation FMC-OPEN for the Frans Masereel Centrum in Kasterlee. In this sequence the “E” becomes an “F” and the “N” becomes an “M”.


“45 contemporary European architects were given the task to design a fictional building expansion in line with the principles of the existing building. A relevant question in an era when architecture increasingly seems to occur without the context being taken into account. The result is a collection of dialogues between contemporary architects and the past. This book is a collection of different ideas and designs that play with the coincidences and chaos you can find in a city. In cooperation with Veldwerk Architecten; Marius Grootveld and Jantje Engels).


AAIR teaser animation.


HART NR 228. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


Stamps for the World Championship for cycling in Belgium 2021. This was one of the proposals. In the end another design (of ours) was selected. In cooperation with Tim Knapen.


The Living Room is a project from AIR Antwerpen in which the STRT Kit residents of AIR present their work during their stay. This fast moving exhibition changed shape every half hour within the same space. The identity for this project worked in the same way. The posters and other comunication tools were a floorplan of a room where several different arangements were shown. In cooperation with Steven Holsbeeks.


Sunrise Portfolio is a book for video artist David Claerbout. In cooperation with Steven Holsbeeks.


Signage system for Frans Masereel Centrum with worksoffiction.


Signage for the walking exhibition Outdoor Hiking with Sound & other Fireworks. (


HART NR 229. HART is a Belgian contemporary art magazine, offering interviews, columns, essays, reviews, city reports and much more. In cooperation with Bureau Marnef.


The first Urban Debate about the pont Marchant brug in Brussels Anderlecht. Since the Marchant bridge was closed for motorized traffic in 2014, the neighborhood has appropriated this connection between old and new Anderlecht. People eat, talk and play chess on picnic tables, parents pass by at ease with their cycling children. BRUZZ and BX1 organized a debate on the bridge with local residents, action committees and entrepreneurs. They were remarkably unanimous. "The car must not return."


What role can Boulevard Léopold II play in a low-traffic city? Filter Café Filtré Atelier, BX1 and BRUZZ - Vlaams-Brusselse Media organised a debate with local residents, action committees, architects and entrepreneurs on Car Free Sunday.


At Longhand Publishers visitors are invited to design pages for small publications that are being produced on the spot. People can create pages on 3 design workstations that were built using custom software and electronics. Every book produced is completely unique, 'printed' by a homemade drawing machine. Longhand Publishers is an open playground: a set of possibilities and a set of constraints. In cooperation with Tim Knapen.